Classic White Shirt Designer Empowers Women One Shirt at a Time

Belief in oneself is the first step towards empowerment, and providing the means to empower others is the very extension of it. As the designer of the classic white silhouette shirt, I believe that fashion is beyond glamour, and it can empower women to succeed in their career. Being one of the pioneers of the foundational fashion, I started "Farinaz" in 2002, with the sole purpose of empowering women with unique body enhancing designs and quality fabric. Standing up against the anti-heavy mass production of commercial cookie cutter clothing, I design shirts that are timeless, elegant, and functional, all the while enhance femininity. I love designing clothing that sparks confidence in women.
Read an excerpt from a recent interview of Farinaz:

Q: What is fashion to you?
Fashion is a part of life. It is incredibly personal because it is next to our skin. Fashion can empower us because it creates confidence and positive energy. For me, life is like a movie, and all the people are actors in it, and fashion is a very big part of that life. We express ourselves through fashion. I see that people have different feelings towards the word “Fashion,” but for me, it is a tool to direct it in a way that creates confidence, happiness, and serenity within-person, who uses it.
Q: What about fashion attracts you?
I was born to be in fashion. No kidding. It is social, creative, and inspiring. It can make a positive impact on people’s life. I don’t know why, but I always loved fabric. I love textiles a lot—the touch, the feel, how it makes you feel inside and out.
Q: What comes to your mind when you think about empowerment?
It is something that enhances individual life. It is a personal feeling that you have, and eventually each individual needs to reach and grow within. At the same time, it is also a social phenomenon as well, because as a social species we can help, empower, and embrace each other so that we can all take the reigns in life and in our careers.
Q: How you link empowerment to fashion?
I have been in the fashion business for three decades, which is quite a long period, so I have seen all sorts of expressions within it. For me, fashion is a tool to create vibrancy and uplift self-worth, confidence, joy, respect, sensuality, and sexuality within a woman. Our core product is a shirt, which is closer to the body as it is slim cut, it leads women to accept them as they are and enhances positivism within themselves.
Q: What made you think of linking fashion to empowerment?
From the beginning, I connected empowerment to fashion, because my brand is an extension of me. It started with personal experience. Before starting my brand, I worked in very high commercial businesses, which entails mass production, and I realized that women needed a good shirt for an interview or to present themselves out in the working world. So through this brand, from the very start the concept was to empower myself and others. I was in the same boat as other women, when I went to interview for any job.
Q: Fashion can be glamorous or commercial, so why do you choose fashion as a means to empower women?
It came so natural to me that I didn’t even think about it. My aim was to help myself, and to help others, by creating something that inspires positive energy among women to empower them. Because women live in such a complex work life, something to embrace them, something to create confidence in them will inspire them to accept themselves, build confidence and move up in their career. 

Q: What do you think about successful women?
That’s a good question. I think that they didn’t get where they are by accident. 100 percent they did not! We live in a complex world. I have a lot of respect for successful women. They juggle life between personal and professional life, handling many responsibilities at once. Traditionally, women have to use their masculinity and femininity in every direction. So, I consider them strong, dedicated, level-headed, and quite amazing. Having a stressful life, I don’t want women to forget their femininity, because it is a powerful part of them, and they should embrace it to their fullest.
Q: Do you think of yourself as successful?
I have experienced success. But, it depends on how you measure success as it means something different to everyone. I like to think I am successful. Running a small business is gratifying, but hard work.
Q: What is your first thought when you design your shirt?
It really starts with the concept of the brand, and you don’t deviate from the concept. The concept of the brand is classic, and it is targeted at business women to empower them and be a foundational part of their lives. That’s why I do not deviate. Everything about my shirt, from fabric to color, I keep my brand and customer in mind.
Q: Do you think of yourself as empowered?
I am less fearful than before. I have grown to be more confident. I have learned to embrace people a lot more. I like to help people, and I think helping and giving people is a privilege. It creates [gives me] joy in me, and it is positive, which I think is a good thing.
Q: Any last words you like to say about your brand, fashion, and/or empowerment?
It is a social thing. We are in it together. We empower each other. We are an actor in this life screen, and hopefully, our stories are positive and good. I hope to help women embrace themselves and experience joy so that they go through their life in a more positive way. It’s all about making women feel good about themselves. Fashion can empower women, and when I design my shirts, I consider all women, how it will enhance their personality and self confidence, and how it will make them feel good about themselves.
Farinaz Taghavi

Farinaz Taghavi